Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions.
Getting Started
Are NiaHealth services covered by my insurance plan?

NiaHealth’s services are not covered under public/government health insurance plans in Canada. However, our service is an HSA-eligible expense (in addition to CRA-eligible medical expense), but it is recommended that you check with your insurer first. You should review the terms of your private health insurance plan or consult with your insurance plan provider to determine if NiaHealth’s service is eligible for reimbursement under your private health insurance plan or any other supplemental benefits.

All biomarkers are ordered and reviewed by an Authorized Medical Provider licensed to practice in your province. If you require additional information for insurance coverage, please contact us directly with the specific information required (via our contact us form). Each insurance provider may require different information for eligibility.

Are my results going to be shared with my insurance company?

No - we take data privacy and security very seriously. Your results are for your eyes only and will be handled in keeping with our privacy policy.

Are NiaHealth services HSA-eligible & CRA-eligible medical expenses?

Yes - our service is HSA-eligible and CRA-eligible medical expenses, but it is recommended that you check with your individual insurer if our services can be covered under any of your other supplemental benefits.

All biomarkers are ordered and reviewed by an Authorized Medical Provider licensed to practice in your province. If you require additional information for your HSA, please contact us directly with the specific information required (via our contact us form). Each HSA may require different information for eligibility.

Who needs NiaHealth?

NiaHealth is designed for anyone over 18. It helps you understand your current health and how it evolves over time. By establishing a baseline with one set of test results, you can better track your body’s trends and take proactive steps to manage your future health.

Please note: NiaHealth is not recommended for individuals who are currently pregnant or have been pregnant within the last year. Pregnancy and the postpartum period cause significant changes in the body, which can affect the accuracy of biomarker-based health predictions. Regular pregnancy-specific blood work is important during and after pregnancy and should be coordinated with your maternity care provider. Please consult your doctor, nurse practitioner, midwife, or OB-GYN to discuss your blood work schedule and what it means for your health.

Is NiaHealth comprehensive for men’s health?

NiaHealth takes a holistic approach to your entire biological system, rather than focusing on just one part of the body. Our membership includes comprehensive testing for areas of particular interest to biological males, such as testosterone, liver health, and heart health. Male hormone testing is available as an add-on service, which can be selected at checkout for an additional $65. Click here to see a list of all biomarkers we test for.

Is NiaHealth comprehensive for women’s health?

NiaHealth takes a holistic approach to your entire biological system, not just individual parts. Our membership includes comprehensive testing for areas of particular interest to biological females, such as thyroid, heart health, and hormones (only available for biological females between the ages of 45 and 55 at this stage). Female hormone testing is available as an add-on service, which can be selected at checkout for an additional $105. Click here to see a list of all biomarkers we test for.

Please note: NiaHealth is not recommended for individuals who are currently pregnant or have been pregnant within the last year. Pregnancy and the postpartum period cause significant changes in the body, which can affect the accuracy of biomarker-based health predictions. Regular pregnancy-specific blood work is important during and after pregnancy and should be coordinated with your maternity care provider. Please consult your doctor, nurse practitioner, midwife, or OB-GYN to discuss your blood work schedule and what it means for your health.

Can I do a NiaHealth checkup if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

NiaHealth is not recommended for individuals who are currently pregnant or have been pregnant within the last year. Pregnancy and the postpartum period cause significant changes in the body, which can affect the accuracy of biomarker-based health predictions. Regular pregnancy-specific blood work is important during and after pregnancy and should be coordinated with your maternity care provider. Please consult your doctor, nurse practitioner, midwife, or OB-GYN to discuss your blood work schedule and what it means for your health.

Why is NiaHealth different than my regular family doctor / primary care provider?
  • NiaHealth includes 3-4x more lab tests than your average annual checkup in Canada. This includes heart, thyroid, metabolic, kidneys, liver, nutrients and more. Click here to see a list of all biomarkers we test for.
  • We also use the most up-to-date, evidence-based reference ranges customized to your healthspan and longevity.
  • Our reports go well beyond your average 15 minute checkup and provide you with a level of insight and actionable recommendations that empowers you to take your health to the next level. See more about our products here.
I have an existing illness or condition. Can you help treat it?

We offer advice to enhance your current health state, emphasizing prevention through exercise, nutrition, sleep, and emotional well-being but not medical management of existing illness. If we discover any incidental health issues, we provide suggestions for discussion with your primary care provider. While our suggestions impact overall health and various chronic conditions, comprehensive medical management of existing illnesses remains the responsibility of your current medical team.

Why hasn’t this existed before in Canada?

Comprehensive testing has often been challenging for patients, involving confusing PDFs, searching for result explanations, manually tracking trends, and unclear costs until the bill arrives. NiaHealth simplifies this process by organizing everything in one place. We offer transparent pricing and personalized insights from top medical professionals, helping you understand your results with ease.

What does NiaHealth test?

We currently offer blood-based biomarker testing (click here to see a list of all biomarkers we test for), VO2 Max, DEXA scans, Emotional Health assessments, and Gut Microbiome testing (available exclusively to Optimum Members at this stage).

As new and promising advanced evidenced-based tests are developed, they will be made available to NiaHealth members if our medical team determines they are both valid and essential for providing a deeper understanding of your health.

How does NiaHealth compare to my annual physical?

NiaHealth includes every lab test typically part of most physicals and goes beyond with access to 50+ biomarkers covering key areas like heart health, liver, thyroid, hormones, metabolic, and much more. These tests are supported by specialists, offering 3 times more testing than an average physical. NiaHealth also provides a detailed written summary from a clinician who reviews all your latest results. Each result comes with personalized insights from top medical professionals. Click here to learn more about our clinical team.

Why don't I already get tested for these when I visit my doctor?

Traditional insurance typically requires a specific symptom or condition to justify comprehensive testing, which can be limiting. At NiaHealth, we believe it's backward to wait for a condition to exist before testing for it.

To get the 50+ biomarkers included in your NiaHealth membership, you'd need a doctor willing to request all these tests —something most don’t have time for. Plus, advanced testing can lead to unexpected bills. With NiaHealth, you get accessible, comprehensive testing, along with personalized insights from top doctors based on your results.

Does NiaHealth replace my doctor or concierge care membership?

No, NiaHealth does not replace your doctor or concierge care. Instead, it empowers you as a more informed patient. Membership includes over 50 biomarkers tested annually, along with detailed insights from leading doctors based on your results. Each set of lab tests is reviewed by a physician, and their opinion can be shared with your doctor.

Bringing a history of your lab results to your next doctor visit can reduce the need for follow-up tests and make your appointment more productive. NiaHealth is designed to enhance your doctor’s time and help you take control of your health journey.

I’ve done genetic testing. How is NiaHealth different?

Completely different. Most of the lab tests NiaHealth provides focus on aspects of your health that are dynamic and improvable, unlike your genetics, which are fixed. The few tests NiaHealth offers are crucial for understanding your genetically conferred risk for conditions like heart disease. Click here to see a list of all biomarkers we test for.

Do I have to use my real name on my NiaHealth account?

Yes, you will need to present a piece of government-issued ID during lab visits, and it must match exactly in order for you to be tested.

Why do I have to pay for these lab tests and services?

In Canada, most of the time, insurance or provincial healthcare may negotiate lower prices for certain lab tests. However, if a test isn’t covered, individuals are often left to pay the full price out-of-pocket. For example, the combined tests and services included with a NiaHealth membership could cost over $3,000 to $5,000 elsewhere. This is unlikely to change without companies like NiaHealth creating more affordable, comprehensive testing options.

Are the tests the same used by specialists?

Yes, NiaHealth includes the most advanced evidence-based tests trusted by specialists across fields. Click here to see a list of all biomarkers we test for.

Some of these tests may be unfamiliar, as they are at the forefront of medical advancements and have not yet been widely adopted by traditional primary care doctors.

When should I start NiaHealth?

Although NiaHealth will immediately help you understand what’s happening inside your body, identifying long-term trends—both positive and negative—takes time. The sooner you start, the better you’ll be able to take control of your health.

How soon can I get tested after joining?

Typically, within just a few days. After you join, we will contact you to schedule your first tests.

Where is NiaHealth available?

NiaHealth is currently available in Alberta, British Columbia, and Ontario. We are working to expand to other provinces soon. If you have any questions about availability in your area, please contact us at

Does NiaHealth prescribe medications?

No - we do not prescribe medication. However, we do provide, where applicable, suggestions. For interventions (including medications and supplements), we include a note of suggestions that you can discuss with your current medical team. Prescriptions are left to their discretion.

Getting Tested
Do I need a requisition to order a test?

NiaHealth provides a requisition that you will use so you don’t need to worry about this.

Which biomarkers are covered in the blood test?

Our Essential offering includes the top 35 biomarkers related to your health and longevity, whereas our Plus, Optimum, and Plus Family offerings include a more comprehensive panel of over 50 biomarkers. Click here to see our biomarker comparison by plan.

These biomarkers provide insights into your cardiovascular health, liver function, kidney function, blood glucose levels, and various essential vitamins and minerals. Hormonal biomarkers are an add-on and can be selected at checkout. The male hormonal biomarker panel is an add-on that can be selected upon checkout for $65 CAD. Click here to read more about each biomarker.

I recently tested. Should I wait to do NiaHealth?

It's generally not recommended to rely on older lab tests to assess your current health, as your body and health can change over time. NiaHealth provides comprehensive lab testing to give you an up-to-date picture of your health. We also compare your latest results with previous ones to help you track important trends.

Why do I need to test every 6 - 12 months?

Testing your body's function every 6 to 12 months helps you track how it's changing over time. By monitoring results at regular intervals, you gain valuable insight into where your health may be heading.

Understanding your body in this way empowers you to positively influence your future health. While most lab tests capture a single moment, comparing results over time provides a wealth of data, helping you establish a personal baseline. Ongoing testing and making small adjustments in your daily life are the new standards for taking control of your health.

With a NiaHealth membership, you can benefit from 50+ tests annually and have the option to retest every 6 months, which is the recommended frequency. You also have the flexibility to re-test at any time.

What if I have a history of fainting during blood collection?

Tests are performed by professional phlebotomists who are experienced in working with individuals who may have fainted before. If you have a history of fainting, be sure to inform your phlebotomist. Blood draws are safe and carry minimal risk.

Do you offer at-home test kits (e.g. finger prick)?

No, the extensive number of tests included with your NiaHealth membership cannot be done through self-collect, at-home kits. We considered using mail-in kits for single tests but found them too unreliable due to issues like improper finger pricks, difficulty following instructions, and risks to specimen integrity from factors like size, temperature control, exposure, time delays, and potential tissue damage.

What are my options for getting a blood draw?

In Ontario, users can elect for an in-clinic draw. In other provinces, an at-home blood draw, which involves a mobile phlebotomist visiting your home or office, is the only collection method available ($100 additional fee). Blood draws take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete. Click here for more information regarding our blood collection methods.

Do I need to fast?

It is required that you fast for 8-12 hours for most tests. For this reason, we recommend that you plan for a morning test. Click here for more information regarding our blood collection methods.

How were the tests included with NiaHealth membership selected?

Leading doctors from various specialties have spent decades identifying the ideal set of comprehensive lab tests that should be routinely performed. NiaHealth reflects this thorough cross-specialty analysis. Click here to see our biomarker comparison by plan.  

Can I just get one of the tests listed?

We do not offer one-time, on-demand testing. NiaHealth membership includes comprehensive testing, with the option to re-test individual biomarkers as needed. While traditional healthcare often focuses on isolated issues and symptom management, NiaHealth is designed to give you a complete view of what’s happening inside your body, ensuring nothing is overlooked.

Can I add a test after I set up a round of tests?

Once lab tests are scheduled with NiaHealth, changes cannot be made. However, members can easily re-test at any time. If there is enough time before your scheduled visit, the new test(s) can be arranged to run alongside your upcoming appointment.

What if I have a history of fainting during blood collection?

At NiaHealth, your tests are performed by professional phlebotomists who are highly experienced and trained to handle situations where someone might faint. If you have a history of fainting during blood draws, simply let your phlebotomist know. Blood tests are generally safe and carry little to no risk, and our team is prepared to make the process as smooth and comfortable as possible.

What if I have a history of fainting during blood collection?

At NiaHealth, your tests are performed by professional phlebotomists who are highly experienced and trained to handle situations where someone might faint. If you have a history of fainting during blood draws, simply let your phlebotomist know. Blood tests are generally safe and carry little to no risk, and our team is prepared to make the process as smooth and comfortable as possible.

Are NiaHealth's tests accurate?

At NiaHealth, all tests are processed in Canadian-certified labs (Dynacare), which are highly trusted by the medical community for their accuracy and reliability. Your blood and urine samples are collected by licensed medical professionals and processed using state-of-the-art equipment. This ensures that your tests are conducted safely and deliver highly accurate results, especially given the advanced processing required for the wide range of health tests we offer.

Our Tests
Does NiaHealth provide medical diagnoses?

No, NiaHealth does not currently offer medical diagnoses. While our lab tests are trusted by the medical community and reviewed by a clinician, our service focuses on health insights and preventive care rather than providing formal medical diagnoses.

Do my biomarkers frequently naturally fluctuate?

Your body is constantly evolving, influenced by factors like diet, sleep, stress, and time spent outdoors. Regular testing with NiaHealth helps you track these changes, understand your health trends, and take proactive steps to improve your well-being.

How does NiaHealth test heart health?

NiaHealth is dedicated to tackling heart disease, a leading cause of death. Standard cholesterol tests often miss hidden risks—nearly 75% of heart attack patients had cholesterol levels considered low-risk under current guidelines. While NiaHealth includes the traditional lipid panel, it goes further with advanced cardiac tests like Lipoprotein(a) and Apolipoprotein B. These advanced tests offer a more comprehensive view of your heart health, addressing gaps in traditional lipid panels that many cardiologists recognize.

My Membership
How do I cancel my membership?

You can cancel anytime. Simply go to your dashboard under profile settings or email directly to cancel your membership.

Can I delete my data?

Yes, NiaHealth helps you unlock, translate, and organize your biological data. We believe your health information is the most valuable data to you, and it is entirely yours. You can choose to delete your data at any time. Please note, once deleted, it cannot be recovered if you change your mind later.

Do I have to use my follow-up tests within the year?

Yes, you must use your follow-up tests within each year of your NiaHealth membership. These 50+ tests including any additional add-ons you select to build you membership are designed to monitor your health and track changes over time. Unused tests do not carry over to the following year, so be sure to schedule and complete them before your annual membership renewal.

How do I schedule an on-demand test?

Only NiaHealth annual membership users can request on-demand testing. To initiate the process, simply contact us via WhatsApp at +1 (587) 200 9703 or email us at

If I cancel my NiaHealth membership, can I receive a refund?

You can cancel your NiaHealth annual membership at any time. However, refunds are not provided for past payments or services already used. You can cancel via your dashboard under your profile settings or email directly.