Meet our top-tier clinical team

Our clinical team ensures every report is accurately interpreted and tailored to you, grounded in rigorous, evidence-based research conducted in-house - never relying just on external thought leaders or generic information.

David Lendrum, MD

Clinical Physician Lead

Dr. David Lendrum is a highly experienced emergency medicine physician who cares for pediatric and adult patients in tertiary care hospitals and during critical care transports. With over 15 years in the field, Dr. Lendrum has consistently demonstrated expertise in managing critical medical situations and leadership in austere environments. He holds a Doctor of Medicine from the University of Calgary and a Master's in Medical Education from the University of Toronto. As a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in Emergency Medicine, he has contributed to advancing emergency medical care in Canada and internationally.

In addition to his clinical roles, Dr. Lendrum has held significant leadership positions such as Emergency Department Site Chief and Transport Physician Lead. His extensive experience with point-of-care ultrasound and wearable medical technologies has fueled his interest in Longevity Medicine. Dr. Lendrum's dedication to improving patient outcomes extends beyond the hospital, recognized as a leader in Medical Education, clinical medicine, and physician leadership.

Tanya ter Keurs, NP

Clinical Director

Tanya is a Nurse Practitioner (NP) with two decades of experience working in primary care, supporting patients to obtain their optimal wellness. Practicing from a coaching paradigm, she holds the philosophy that wellness is optimized when the clinician and patient leverage their individual expertise towards the client’s goals. This philosophy of care comes from extensive experience as a clinician, consultant, board member and educator. Tanya has worked with the University of British Columbia, Athabasca University, the RCMP, Telus Health, the Division of Family Practice and many others. After completing a Masters of Nursing NP from the University of Victoria, Tanya has done additional training in women’s health, substance use disorders, cultural safety, functional medicine and bariatric medicine. Tanya leverages this compilation of education and experience to push the boundaries of traditional Canadian Sick Care, into the realm of proactive health care.

Robin Brown, MD

Clinical Research Director

Dr Robin Brown holds degrees in evolutionary biology and clinical medicine (MD) from the University of Oxford. He has contributed to research across a variety of themes including the molecular biology of colorectal cancer and characterizing the clinical syndromes associated with COVID-19 in the first months of the pandemic. His publications include a widely cited review assessing the implications of sex differences for the eradication of Chronic Hepatitis B and a systematic review of the risks to health care workers of COVID-19 exposure.

After graduating medicine in 2021, Robin spent 18 months working as a doctor in the NHS during which he worked in several specialties including intensive care and respiratory medicine. He then stepped out of clinical medicine to pursue interests in both academia and business. He has consulted for a variety of healthtech and biotech companies, and holds a diploma in global pharmaceuticals leadership. Alongside his role as Clinical Research Director at Niahealth, Robin also teaches physiology and anatomy to medical students and the University of Oxford and is pursuing research in theoretical and systems biology with a particular focus on aging.

Sheila Lakhoo, MD


Dr. Lakhoo studied medicine at the University of Alberta and completed her residency training in family medicine at the University of Calgary. She moved to Toronto in 2008 to complete a master’s degree in health sciences at the Dalla Lana School of Public health.

In 2010 Dr. Lakhoo started an academic family practice at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto and practiced there for 10 years.  In 2020 Dr. Lakhoo received her diploma with the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine. She has also completed a professional training program through The Center for Mind-Body Medicine. Dr. Lakhoo has developed Lifestyle Medicine programs for community clinics as well as larger organizations. She is also involved in Lifestyle Medicine teaching, research, and advocacy to help advance this field within both medical education and primary care in Canada.

Darren Larsen, MD


Over his 34 years as a comprehensive care Family Physician, Darren has been involved in many provincial and national Health IT, System Transformation and Physician Leadership initiatives in Canada.  He has contributed to multiple digital health, primary care and quality commissions for the Ontario Ministry of Health, Ontario Health as well as the Ontario and Canadian Medical Associations.  He is Chair of the Cancer Quality Council of Ontario, Board Chair-elect of the federal agency Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, and is a senior fellow at WCH Institute for Health System Solutions and Virtual Care. Most recently Darren was Senior Medical Advisor for Canadian Healthcare at Accenture, Chief Medical Director of TELUS Health Care Centres nationally, and practiced at Women’s College Hospital.  He teaches at the University of Toronto in the Department of Family and Community Medicine as well as the Institute for Health Policy Management and Evaluation.

Promoting the concept of Medicine 3.0, personalized medicine and longevity is a passion.  This brought him to advising startups like Nia Health, and to KPMG’s Healthcare Consulting Practice. He is passionate about the future of health with more precision and the science, policy and business that supports it.

Darren obtained his Bachelor of Science at the University of Alberta, Medical Doctorate at the University of Calgary, did residency at the University of Ottawa and holds a Masters Certificate in Physician Leadership from York University’s Schulich School of Executive Management.

Rebecca Mills, RD

Registered Dietitian

Rebecca holds a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Biology from Acadia University and a Masters of Science in Human Nutrition from the University of British Columbia. Her professional journey includes a Dietetic Internship at Sunnybrook Health Science Centre in Toronto, Ontario. With a wealth of experience spanning clinical intensive care nutrition for adults and infants, healthcare management, personalized nutrition care planning, and medical sales, Rebecca brings a diverse skill set to her practice within the proactive healthcare space.

What makes NiaHealth checkups different?

of clients discover a previously unknown health issue or risk
of clients uncovered unknown pre-diabetes or diabetes
of clients uncovered unknown genetic risk of heart disease
9 out of 10
customers would recommend us to their friends and family
of customers discover a previously unknown health issue or risk with NiaHeatlh
of customers intend to make behavior changes based on NiaHealth recommendations
Traditional primary care checkups
Generic health testing
Population-level reference ranges
Common, non-specific advice
Reactive, sick healthcare
NiaHealth's next-gen checkups
Healthspan-focused diagnostics
Optimal, healthspan-centric reference ranges
Personalised stepwise action plans
Proactive, preventive healthcare

Canada's top proactive healthcare provider

NiaHealth is empowering health-conscious individuals to take ownership of their health.
"NiaHealth was incredibly effective in providing me with the motivation I needed to take a proactive approach to my health and fitness. The biomarker assessment is a deep dive into health metrics that you wouldn’t have regularly considered, and now I have something tangible to work towards and maintain."
Mariam | 32 years old
NiaHealth Essential User - Vancouver, British Columbia
"My experience with NiaHealth has been life-changing. The information shared has brought awareness using the latest techniques and providing the information in an easy format with action items specific to my age and biomarker results. The feedback was very motivating and provided detailed suggestions that will assist with longevity on my personal health journey."
Richard | 53 years old
NiaHealth Essential User - Edmonton, Alberta
"NiaHealth was a great experience all around. I looked at many options in the US and Canada and they were the best value, and very thorough. The customer service was top-notch as well. Would highly recommend!"
Mike | 35 years old
NiaHealth Essential User - Toronto, Ontario
"I found the report very well organized, with practical advice aligned against facts uncovered in my bloodwork. The debrief with Dr. Saleh provided further insights and reinforced my desire to take action and address the findings."
Sebastien | 44 years old
NiaHealth Plus User - Toronto, Ontario
"I wholeheartedly recommend NiaHealth without any reservation. In my quest for a Canadian company specializing in biomarker testing, I was delighted to discover one located near me. From the initial blood draw to the concluding meeting with the doctor, every step of the process was handled with professionalism and efficiency."
Deborah | 59 years old
NiaHealth Plus User - Edmonton, Alberta
"Canadians who want ownership of their health journey with a focus on wellness, longevity and disease prevention will appreciate the NiaHealth assessment.  I was impressed with the breadth of the report summarizing my results. There were so many additional markers that provided insightful information about my health. Highly recommend!"
Kristina | 55 years old
NiaHealth Essential User - Toronto, Ontario
NiaHealth was incredibly effective in providing me with the motivation I needed to take a proactive approach to my health and fitness. The biomarker assessment is a deep dive into health metrics that you wouldn’t have regularly considered, and now I have something tangible to work towards and maintain.
Mariam | 32 years old
NiaHealth Essential User - Vancouver, British Columbia
My experience with NiaHealth has been life-changing. The information shared has brought awareness using the latest techniques and providing the information in an easy format with action items specific to my age and bio-marker results. The feedback was very motivating and provided detailed suggestions that will assist with longevity on my personal health journey.
Richard | 53 years old
NiaHealth Optimum User - Edmonton, Alberta
NiaHealth was a great experience all around. I looked at many options in the US and Canada and they were the best value, and very thorough. The customer service was top-notch as well. Would highly recommend!
Mike | 35 years old
NiaHealth Essential User - Toronto, Ontario
I found the report very well organized, with practical advice aligned against facts uncovered in my bloodwork. The debrief with Dr. Saleh provided further insights and reinforced my desire to take action and address the findings.
Sebastien | 44 years old
NiaHealth Plus User - Toronto, Ontario
I wholeheartedly recommend NiaHealth without any reservation. In my quest for a Canadian company specializing in biomarker testing, I was delighted to discover one located near me. From the initial blood draw to the concluding meeting with the doctor, every step of the process was handled with professionalism and efficiency.
Deborah | 59 years old
NiaHealth Optimum User - Edmonton, Alberta
Canadians who want ownership of their health journey with a focus on wellness, longevity and disease prevention will appreciate the NiaHealth assessment. I was impressed with the breadth of the report summarizing my results. There were so many additional markers that provided insightful information about my health. Highly recommend!
Kristina | 55 years old
NiaHealth Essential User - Toronto, Ontario

Frequently Asked Questions

Are NiaHealth services covered by my insurance plan?

NiaHealth’s services are not covered under public/government health insurance plans in Canada. However, our service is an HSA-eligible expense (in addition to CRA-eligible medical expense), but it is recommended that you check with your insurer first. You should review the terms of your private health insurance plan or consult with your insurance plan provider to determine if NiaHealth’s service is eligible for reimbursement under your private health insurance plan or any other supplemental benefits.

All biomarkers are ordered and reviewed by an Authorized Medical Provider licensed to practice in your province. If you require additional information for insurance coverage, please contact us directly with the specific information required (via our contact us form). Each insurance provider may require different information for eligibility.

Are NiaHealth services HSA-eligible & CRA-eligible medical expenses?

Yes - our service is HSA-eligible and CRA-eligible medical expenses, but it is recommended that you check with your individual insurer if our services can be covered under any of your other supplemental benefits.

All biomarkers are ordered and reviewed by an Authorized Medical Provider licensed to practice in your province. If you require additional information for your HSA, please contact us directly with the specific information required (via our contact us form). Each HSA may require different information for eligibility.

Are my results going to be shared with my insurance company?

No - we take data privacy and security very seriously. Your results are for your eyes only and will be handled in keeping with our privacy policy.

Why is NiaHealth different than my regular family doctor / primary care provider?
  • NiaHealth includes 3-4x more lab tests than your average annual checkup in Canada. This includes heart, thyroid, metabolic, kidneys, liver, nutrients and more. Click here to see a list of all biomarkers we test for.
  • We also use the most up-to-date, evidence-based reference ranges customized to your healthspan and longevity.
  • Our reports go well beyond your average 15 minute checkup and provide you with a level of insight and actionable recommendations that empowers you to take your health to the next level. See more about our products here.
Which biomarkers are covered in the blood test?

Our Basic offering includes the top 35 biomarkers related to your health and longevity, whereas our Essential and Plus offerings include a more comprehensive panel of 50 biomarkers. Click here to see our biomarker comparison by plan. These biomarkers provide insights into your cardiovascular health, liver function, kidney function, blood glucose levels, and various essential vitamins and minerals. Hormonal biomarkers are an add-on and can be selected at checkout. The hormonal biomarker panel is an add-on that can be selected upon checkout for $65 CAD. Click here to read more about each biomarker.

Do I need a requisition to order a test?

NiaHealth provides a requisition that you will use so you don’t need to worry about this.

Does NiaHealth prescribe medications?

No - we do not prescribe medication. However, we do provide, where applicable, suggestions. For interventions (including medications and supplements), we include a note of suggestions that you can discuss with your current medical team. Prescriptions are left to their discretion.

I have an existing illness or condition. Can you help treat it?

We offer advice to enhance your current health state, emphasizing prevention through exercise, nutrition, sleep, and emotional well-being but not medical management of existing illness. If we discover any incidental health issues, we provide suggestions for discussion with your primary care provider. While our suggestions impact overall health and various chronic conditions, comprehensive medical management of existing illnesses remains the responsibility of your current medical team.

What are my options for getting a blood draw?

Our standard pricing includes a blood draw in the comfort of your home or office via one of our licensed phlebotomists; this visit usually takes no longer than 15 minutes. If you are in Ontario, you can save $100 by going into any one of our partner lab locations.

Do I need to fast?

It is required that you fast for 8-12 hours for most tests. For this reason, we recommend that you plan for a morning test. Click here for more information regarding our blood collection methods.